how to get rid of ingrown nail

An ingrown toenail, with the side edge of your nail growing into the skin, can make you painfully aware of a toe you don’t normally notice.

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How To Prevent And Treat Ingrown Toenails - How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Nail

“If an ingrown toenail causes a break in the skin, bacteria can enter and cause an infection, which will make it even more painful. A red, swollen, hot and very painful ingrown toenail is probably infected, ” says podiatrist Georgeanne Botek, DPM.

When Does An Ingrown Toenail Require Professional Treatment?: California Foot And Ankle Clinic: Podiatrists

Ill-fitting footwear. Crowding your feet into socks and shoes that are too short or tight can set up an environment for painful ingrown toenails to develop. This is why adolescents and teens often get ingrown toenails. “Due to sudden growth spurts and body changes, teens and adolescents may outgrow their footwear quickly and can end up wearing them a while before buying better-fitting shoes, ” Dr. Botek says.

Trauma. Occasionally, stubbing or jamming your toe, dropping something on your toe or participating in activities that put repeated pressure on your toes (like running, soccer or ballet) can cause ingrown toenails to develop.

Improper trimming. One of the most common causes of ingrown toenails is cutting them too short. When nails are very short, it encourages the skin at the sides of the nail to fold over it. Don’t be overzealous with the clippers and be sure to cut straight across.

Get Rid Of Painful Ingrown Toenails For Long Lasting Relief

Pedicures. Many women (and increasing numbers of men) enjoy getting pedicures. Nothing wrong with that, but make sure to go to an experienced technician. “Pedicures can cause ingrown nails if the nail technician is overly aggressive in cutting back a toenail, ” says podiatrist Dina Stock, DPM.

Poor Circulation.Adults with decreased arterial circulation are more susceptible to ingrowing toenails. If you have diabetes, heart disease, or a long history of tobacco abuse and suffer with repeated ingrown toenails, see your physician or foot and ankle doctor. Also, swelling in your feet and

Sometimes, you can treat your ingrown toenails at home. If your ingrown toenail doesn’t show any of the signs of infection — swelling, hot to the touch, oozing, foul odor — you might just try letting the nail grow out.

Ingrown Toenail Removal Treatment

Soak it and wait.Dr. Stock suggests soaks in warm water with Epsom salt or a mild detergent, then applying an antibiotic ointment and bandage to the area.

Remove it yourself if there’s no infection. “First soak your feet in a very warm bath with Epsom salt. This softens the skin and reduces inflammation. Using clean nail-cutting tools, you can try to clip the affected area and apply antibiotic ointment afterward, ” says Dr. Botek.

See a podiatrist. For an infected ingrown toenail, or if you aren’t sure you can deal with treating yours at home, a podiatrist can perform the procedure under a local anesthetic. “In the office, we can cut out the offending nail border after first numbing the area, ” Dr. Stock says. This helps the pain and allows the infection to heal, but may not prevent recurring ingrown toenails.

Get Rid Of Painful Ingrown Toenails For Long Lasting Relief - How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Nail

What Is An Ingrown Toenail?

Never ignore an infected ingrown nail. A prolonged infection can spread and lead to serious complications, especially if you suffer from poor blood flow, an impaired immune system or neuropathy of diabetes (previously referred to as diabetic neuropathy).

“During a matrixectomy, the doctor numbs the region and removes the problematic nail portion. The chemical phenol is then applied to burn and kill the cells that form the nail, ” Dr. Botek says. This offers a more permanent solution to recurring ingrown nails.

Of course, it’s best to prevent getting ingrown nails in the first place. Experts Dr. Stock and Dr. Botek offer these suggestions:

How To Prevent And Treat Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail can be a painful experience — but if you know how to treat and prevent one, it could save you irritation and frustration later down the road.A toenail can become ingrown and cause infection of the adjacent skin if the nail is cut too short or if you wear shoes that are too tight, thereby squeezing the nailbed into the nail. An ingrowth most often happens to the big toe, and it’s very uncomfortable especially when wearing shoes.

If the area surrounding your toenail is becoming red, inflamed, and pushing and growing into the skin, it is best to address an ingrown toenail as quickly as possible. You have likely tried to resolve it yourself to no avail, and you may have even made it worse, so it is time to see an experienced podiatrist.

How To Remove An Ingrown Toenail - How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Nail

Let’s talk about what a podiatrist can do for your toenail infection and who you can talk to about keeping your feet healthy.

Ingrown Toenails — Meticulous Manicurist Ingrown Pedicure Expert

Those who are not medically trained may make an ingrown toenail worse and more painful if they attempt to remove it themselves. That is why it is in your best interest to see a skilled podiatrist about any infection in your toes and feet.

The physician will first numb the foot or toe with an injection so that the treatment is not painful. The doctor can gently lift your nail and insert a tiny amount of gauze, cotton, or a splint in order to separate the nail from the skin. The doctor will also remove and treat the infected tissue, including the skin on top of the affected nail.

Your podiatrist might also recommend that you have a minor surgery to separate your toenail from the nailbed. In some cases, your doctor may remove the entire nail if both sides of the nail are ingrown, if it is a persistent problem, or if it is causing a more serious infection.

Ingrown Toenails: Causes, Symptoms, And Remedies

You will be advised to soak your foot in warm water and to replace the gauze daily. The doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic in order to stop the infection.

How To Get Rid Of An Ingrown Toenail - How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Nail

If your ingrown toenail is becoming painful or is interfering with your daily tasks and normal walking, it is time to see a physician who specializes in treating the feet and toes. Our skilled medical team at The Podiatry Group of South Texas comprises podiatrists who treat foot disorders every day. They treat foot and ankle issues affecting the bones, muscles, nerves, skin, and nails, and they know how to treat these issues using the least-invasive methods so you can heal as quickly as possible.

We know how to diagnose and properly treat a wide spectrum of foot and ankle problems such as arthritis, diabetic neuropathy and diabetic foot, bunions, fractures, Athlete’s foot, plantar fasciitis, heel pain, and toenail infections.

Ingrown Toenail? Here's What You Need To Do

If you have any questions about the services we offer, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our excellent physicians, contact our friendly staff today by calling us at our location near you or by filling out our easy-to-use online appointment request form now. We look forward to helping you get back in step again!Ingrown nails are extremely common and incredibly painful. The causes are many fold, but in most cases an ingrown nail is something you have little control over. Yes, they are inherited, and the possibility of your nail being curved is genetically related. Another cause for ingrown nails is trauma, which can cause nails to grow back irregularly. Also, fungus or Onychomycosis of the nail can make the nail thicker and help deform it. In some cases, we are able to alleviate the ingrown problem by treating the fungus.

There are different ways to treat nail fungus. The least successful is with topical applications to the nail. If this is done, it usually has to be in the very early stages and on mild fungal presentations. Oral medications can also be used, but have the risk of liver toxicity. Laser treatment on the other hand is extremely successful; and in a very high percent of cases, we can vastly improve the appearance of the nail. By doing laser, the nail can become healthier, thinner, and less deformed.

The treatment option that many patients opt in for, especially if the nail is painful and chronic, is to have the edge of the nail removed. This is a procedure that has been done for decades. It’s very simple, with little lay-up for the patient. There are no stitches required, no pain medication, and patients can usually return to standing on their feet the next day. Many patients go back to activities such as running within a couple days.The procedure consists of simply removing the edge of the nail and applying a chemical that kills the cells that make the nail reproduce. In some cases, where the nail is extremely thickened, or both edges of the nail are growing into your skin, the option to remove the entire nail may be desired. Contrary to what you might think, you’re fine without a nail. In fact, the indentation area where the nail used to sit almost resembles having a nail. Patients who want to wear nail polish can paint this area; and cosmetically, it looks pretty good.

Ways To Relieve Ingrown Toe Nail Pain - How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Nail

When Does An Ingrown Toenail Require A Visit To Your Podiatrist?

All in all, ingrown nails can be very painful. The treatment options are simple and very high benefit. So, if you think you


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